Friday, March 31, 2017

March Evaluation

This month I didn't do that much since spring break took up half the month.
I didn't learn that much either in the time I had. I would call it wasted potential.

I finished my space shooter game within the first few days which can be found on this website here.

But after that the tutorial I started was a complete waste. Almost all the code and objects/environment in that tutorial were already pre-made and pre-written what they taught was just beginner stuff that I already knew. I would've liked to learn more but I didn't learn that much. I will still explain kinda what I did.

The point of the game was about a little boy that has a dream where his toys are coming to life and attacking him. 

I got up to the point of where I made the health bar and the zombie can attack you can can move around.

Here are some pics of my progress.

Player Movement

Zombunny following movement

Health Bar

I hope I will learn more next month and it will be more productive. I have started working in 3dsmax which is really exiting because I've wanted to learn 3d modeling for the longest time.
Image result for 3ds max logo

See you next evaluation. Cheers :D

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