Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 8

Today I finished off my little scene I started 2 classes ago.

I added some effects to polish the game up and make it look nice and clean.

I started off by adding a depth of field effect to make the rock beside my face blurry so that it looks like a camera lens. I modified it a bit and this is the result.

Then I added an anti-aliasing effect which pretty much smoothens the edges of an object by adding some pixels around it to fill in the gaps. In this scene I used Supersamlpling Anti-Aliasing (SSAA).

Whitout SSAA:

With SSAA:

It makes a huge difference.

I then proceeded to add some lighting effect like ambient occlusion, bloom and flares, color correction, and some light blue fog in the background.

This is the result:
but its still not done

I decided to add some particles to add some movement to the scene so i downloaded "Sky FX" from the asset store. And placed them ( I had to remove some random lights from them and now i'm done.

Wow the quality sucks 0_0 But trust me it looks way better

I will probably start making an actual game in the upcoming classes.

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