Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February Evaluation

This month I have learned a lot.

Starting Unity was a big deal for me and I am proud that I did.

Programming in C# is a completely different from programming in GML which is what I did last year. It is way more complicated and advanced but much more efficient, you can save a lot of typing.

I have learned how to do a lot of stuff in C# from creating loops to working with method and using a lot of things in the Unity Engine in code. Such as Vector3's, Quaternions, Euler angles etc.

The entire movement code for the ship in my space shooter game that I'm working on

I also learned a lot of stuff inside of Unity itself. I already knew most of the basics but all the stuff that I didn't know is a lot. I learned how to do things like add components to game objects, make prefabs so that I could save time by editing all of the same object in the scene, using parent/child relationships etc. I won't go into detail because you could just scroll down a bit to find the answers but I have learned a lot :D.

This month I made 1 game, a scene and I'm currently working on another game. Even though the games seem very simple, they were kinda hard to make especially at my skill level.

I made a game where you roll a ball around a plane to try to collect little cubes to win. You can download the game files here. You have to download both the .exe file and the game files. Then just launch the .exe file to play.

After that I worked on a little scene to try out my map making skills and it turned out pretty good :D.
You can download it here and see for yourself and just like above, you have to download both the .exe file and the game files. Then just launch the .exe file to play.

I will also be using onedrive as of now as I have more storage there.

Now I am currently working on a space invaders kind of game where you're a spaceship flying in space trying to destroy everything in its path. I can't provide the download as I am not finished yet, but I will upload it next month's evaluation if I am hopefully done by then.

Next month I plan to finish this tutorial and maybe start a new one or work on my own game :D

I think I worked pretty hard this month and put in some effort but I think I could improve more next month.

I am excited to start a new month fresh and I'm looking forward with working more with Unity as it seems really promising; I have only uncovered just the surface of what I can do with the Unity Engine. Cheers! :D

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