Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 31

Today I finally finished my pokeball.

I made the lighting and scene today and made a small modification

I made the button more smooth by adding a "smooth" modifier to the button
And now the button looks like this 

Next I made a plane on the pokeball to act like a surface that its standing

Next what I had to do is make it actually under the pokeball lol so I set it a value of -10 across the Y value and it made it under.
Now next I made a light and set above so that it could add light to the scene or else it would be pitch black when you render it.

Now I'm done with the scene so I started rendering it
But as you can see the shadows are very jagged so what I had to do was go to the light settings and scroll down to the mental ray shadow map and set the map size to 4000.
After this I went back to the render and set the FG bounces to 4 which makes the light bounce more like in real life.
And this is the finished product :D

Tomorrow I will be starting a new project inside of 3dsmax

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