Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 32

Sorry to inform but most the images I will be uploading in this project are from the video as I lost all my screenshots that I took and I am writing these posts from the end of my project.

Today I started a new project

A coca cola glass by following this video here.

I started off by making half the coca cola glass by making a line with its shape

Now I changed the vertices and moved them a bit to improve the shape of the glass because it looks kinda weird right now.

Now next what I did was make the center pivot of the whole shape on the bottom
I did this because I'm gonna mirror on the other side anyways so I needed the pivot in the direct center on the bottom.
Now what I did next is use the lathe modifier to make the the line go around in a circle and then I made this an editable poly.

Now what I did was get rid of the bottom of the glass and and made it into one circle poly by using the "cap" tool after selecting the edge around.

This is all I did today and it was pretty fun. It is for sure an upgrade from the pokeball and way harder.

Tomorrow I will continue the glass.

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