Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Day 45

Today I continued working on my sword.

I started working on the handle of my sword today.

I made an extension to the bottom faces by using the bevel tool.

Then I moved it down a bit so that I would have kind of like a connector to the actual handle.

After this I needed to use the bevel tool on the bottom faces and extend it so that I would actually make the handle.

Now I wanted to use a method I've used when I made my hilt and do them in steps by using the "+" button so that it would be easier later on to add some curves to the handle itself.

Now this is how it look when I got to my desired length.

This is all I did today but I learned how to make a handle on a sword and I didn't make the handle all one block but split it into multiple segments so that it would be easier to add curves etc.

Tomorrow I will add the curves for my handle and make it actually look rounded-ish and now blocky and Minecraft-like lol.

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